Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Look Around, Look Around

Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now

It's hard to see the beauty, in the day to day grind
It's hard to see the love around, in the relationships that are falling apart
It's hard to feel awake, when life is becoming so tiring

This is the push
The light is not yet at the end of the tunnel
This is the cold before the storm
Winter is still trying to rear it's cold ugly head
Before the warmth of the springtime and the taste of the summer greets us

It's easy to get stuck
It's easy to feel low
It's easy to feel like things are spiraling

Hear the joy in those around you
Hear the support of your chosen family
See the students as people, not just bodies in a classroom
Be the person that greets them and says goodbye as they leave

It isn't easy to see the good
But if we look around, we will find that in fact, we are lucky to be where we are